Wednesday, May 2, 2012

29th April - Bring Back Memories

On the 27th April, Charto, Susanto and Zenorega went back to Batam after spending 3days vacation in Singapore. They reminded me that my best friend, Christee Veronica was going to celebrate her birthday on 29th April with those 老朋友 which includes Elvi, Betseline, Charto, Jimmy, Richard Lie, Desmond Kwok, William Wijaya aka. WW, etc. Those people are so important because they had came into my life, being a part of my life, be it during Secondary 3 or when I've already moved to Singapore or even now and in the future. I really hoped that they would really be an important part of me in the future, I trully hoped so. 
However, I knew that there is a point of time whereby we really need to part, choose our own path and pursue our own dreams. These all need a price, which is "friends". 
Elvi and Betseline have decided to study at an University in Bandung, WW is going to Jakarta, Jimmy is going to Bali, while the rest are coming to Singapore. Everyone is going to split from a few months time.

When I know that  my dearest best friend, Christee was going to throw a birthday party in the form of BBQ, I really really wanted to surprise her. This was how I actually started my idea. :)

On 27th April 2012 (the SMS conversation between me and Susanto) :
Santo  : Eh, Charto blg  cv maw traktir nanti Sabtu. Kamu diundang ga?
Me     : Iya yah? Undang pun I jg ga bisa pergi lah.
(after thinking of an alternative for a while)
Me     : Sebenarnya bisa sih, kecuali I besok naik ferry ke Batam truz naik last ferry balik Sg coz Minggu I   
            ada kerja. 
Me     : Eh, sebenarnya bisa loh. Aku jadi serius nih hahaha.
Santo  : Serius kamu?
Me     : Ya lah, haha. Awalnya sih asal bilang aja, tapi habis tuh makin di pikir makin serius leh. hahaha

So that's how everything started. Me and my plan. I was just saying it for fun in the beginning, however the feeling gets stronger and stronger as it might really be the very last time for me meeting those who are not going to continue their further studies in Batam or Singapore. I was really scared and desperate to meet them. I knew that I would regret a lot if I did not do so. 
So, I eventually used my own money and went back on 29th April where Christee actually celebrated her birthday. I felt so honoured to have so many friends went to fetch me, LOL. I wasn't informed that Desmond and Ww were actually fetching me also. I only knew that Betseline would fetch me for sure, so I waited for her and left with her until Desmond they all called me. Haha. It was damn awkward moment, thanks to Charto's 'thoughtful' arrangement?

At the night, Christee was really really surprised with my appearance. I sneaked into her house when the rest ruled her out of the house and I appeared when the time was right. Yeah, she cried. She did cried and it made everything worth it for my trip. After all, I took risk to go back. 
Firstly, I did not inform my parents. 
Secondly, I used my own money, so I might struggle with my finance position this month. 
Thirdly, I would be taking 1st ferry back the next day whereby I had school at 9am, so I MIGHT or might NOT be late. 

Anyway, it was really worth it and I did not regret it. At all. 
We started to eat and started catching up with each other, talking about our future and our thoughts, then we finally decided to lepak somewhere where the thought of Inul Vista struck us. I envy them because they could drive already, and we set off with three cars to Nagoya Hill. We sang happily, mostly Korean songs and Western Song I think? Not even a single Chinese song because the time was short it was already 11pm local time. We discussed where to go next to lepak so that we could really spend the last night together. 
Eventually, not all of us could make it though, cause they had curfew as well.
I, Christee, Elvi, Betseline, Ww and Charto decided to stayover at Betseline's house. We talked all the way till 3.30am local time and I was about to crash. Charto had slept earlier on. When I woke up at 4.15am, the rest were still talking except for Charto, sleeping like a pig in the room beside, Haha.
Early in the morning, they all sent me to harbour at Batam Centre together with Richard Lie. I really really appreciated it and I still could not help it but to cry at the last 5minutes thinking that I needed to check-in very soon and I would not be able to meet Elvi and Betseline anymore. I knew that. In the end, we parted, and I continued to cry on the ferry. I really really could not help it. Without them, my Secondary 3 in Yos Sudarso would have been really meaningless. The rest helped me and let me feel the happiness of having friends who really care about you. 
Lastly, I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS. *cry again*
At Christee's house, creating documentary but a bit fail. 
At Betseline's house. Christee was the only one not inside because she went to bath.

I think I will not just stop here, I'll make new posts for every and each of them to thank them personally. I guess? I want to really really show them my appreciation and let them know how much I love them and create those memorable and unforgettable memories. 

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