Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lucky Thursday

Well, this is actually a belated post whereby I wanna share the day I spent with my three new besties in NP. I knew them through DPA which make me felt it's worth it for joining DPA although I've been an outcast in my DPA class. I'll never forget how I was and still am excluded by the rest but yeah, this is kind of.
Well well, it was a lovely Thursday morning when I was very confused trying to dress up myself yet make it simple. I'll be meeting with JS and Sya after school for lunch! :) Yay! Finally, after soooooo damn long~~~ Like finally we could find a date whereby we all could make it. I repeatedly asked JS if he has anything on that day and he say nope. 
So, we agreed to meet at 4pm @Makan Place and I stormed there immediately after I was released from my lecture. I found a four-seats table in front of Yong Tau Foo stall and settled down there with my lappy on. I wasn't listening for the whole lecture, that's why. So, I was trying to catch up by listening to the recording of the lecture took by me. Yeah, the background was damn noisy as I sat rather at the back of the lecture hall and I was playing Tetris Battle which affected the quality of the recording. 
While I was focusing hard trying to listen to Ms. Gopalan lecturing, I saw him from faraway, looking for me. I acted as if I didn't know and kept on staring at my lappy, trying to act as if I was very engrossed LOL. So, he walked towards me and sat beside me! YES! RIGHT BESIDE ME! It was a four-seats table you know. There were 2 seats right in front of me. Normally people would prefer to face each other for more convenient communication unless the seats are fully occupied. Right, not? But he chose to sit there! yeah! I was DAMN happy. HAHAHAHAHAHA I tried hard to control the laughter that might probably burst out loud if I wasn't in front of him. XDDDDD
At first I thought that we would be kinda awkward cause we have not met each other for quite a long time after all and there were only two of us! However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. We ended up talked a lot and I kept on questioning him about the girl who like him! I had a strong feeling that she would be Jovin and hell yeah I got it right! Hahahaha. It was kind of a relief to know that he only knew that she likes him. Well yeah, maybe as I post more posts about him, I should now remove my blog link from Facebook though I know that he's not gonna be so crazy to go stalk my profile and even spent time reading my long-winded post. Hahahaha. So, Sya joined us around 5.15pm and we talked even more stuff. JS was a damn joker, kept on finding fault with my pronunciation as well. I think I somehow pronounced "Local" as "Locker" or something like that. Irritating! >.< but I'm lovin' it, LOL
The best part was that I managed to hack his account! LOL actually was he did not stop me from hacking his hahahaha.We bet about the outcome as well! In the end, Js told us that he actually had CCA (Frisbee) on that day! I was like "whattttt" but he eventually skipped it! For our sake? ;)
We talked and joked all the way till around 6.45pm where we moved to Munch because Sya was craving for Mr.Bean Haha! Then we continued to talk until around 8pm? We finally left NP after I gave Sya a good bye hug. She went off to look for her friend while JS and I walked together to the bustop opposite taking the same bus 52! For once, the journey from NP to MRT was that beautiful. :) Omg I was like a person who had a serious love sick HAHAHAHHAHAHA. 
I couldn't stop smiling and giggling even when I reached home at night. While I was preparing to do my tutorial, I discover the result for JS's status on FB!My creation! LOL and here we go. :)
So my attempt succeeded. HAHAHA ^^v
It was kind of childish, perhaps? So long it made him remember, I didn't actually care that much. I'm just soooo going to enjoy good night sleep, smiling all the way to the morning. :)

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