Saturday, May 19, 2012


Alright, as what you can read from the title, today is a Friday. Friday Friday! *The song keeps repeating in my mind right now, LOL*
So, I shall begin sharing about today. This morning was a disaster. I woke up at 10.40am, realising that the sky is bright and clear. Yes, you did not read wrongly, "bright and clear". It was because of this "bright and clear", I immediately woke up and looked at my alarm clock and it shows 10.40am! I was like WTFFFFFF God Damn It! I grabbed my phone and "are you kidding me?". I don't know how to describe, but the screen was like showing my phone hang or something. That explained why my alarm never rang! OMFG my tutorial started at 9am and by 10.40am our tutor was most probably going to dismiss us for INFA lecture? 1hour journey to school and I was already marked as absent anyway. Fine fine. I made up my mind and spent my $25 on fake MC again for the sake of covering my attendance. I was supposedly to have a group discussion after school also so I lied to my classmates, telling them that I wasn't feeling well. Yeah, I used menstrual cramp as an old effective excuse to both obtain a MC and gain my friends' trust at the same time. 
Yeah, recorded as absent.

In the afternoon,  I went to Tiong Bahru Post Office to claim my finally-arrived parcel. My beloved shoe! i spent $26 on it! However, I ended up with a disappointment because I thought I received the wrong order. As I referred back to the website, right. I ordered wrongly. So damn sad! I was soooo excited and waited for so long for that shoe. I'll never ever shop online anymore. 
So, I stayed outside , spending my whole day with my lappy. I brought it to Tanjong Pagar to get some cosmetic products from Jiahui and A level Chinese paper from TianMin for my cousin. So, I spent my time revising Korean at Mac. While waiting, I went online and chat with JS discussing about the outcome of his status LOL!
So, below, I'll show what I've been doing most of the time out there. Hahahaha. I camwhore like mad.

For once, I think I looked cute. :P

Besides of that, JS and I talked about other stuff. Like I told him I pon school today hahaha. When I told him that I told doctor I got menstrual cramp, he replied me "I am speechless." Actually, I find him really cute especially when he is paise and speechless. Omg I'm soooo into him. I'm not gonna tell him my feeling though, just gonna stay like this. Meet regularly, set up this 'friend zone' but admiring him and liking him secretly. 
*Cause I don't want to lose our friendship 
*Cause I like him soooo much that I want to carry on being his good friend, as long as possible.
* Cause I don't want to be another Jovin. 
*Cause I want to be someone who can make his Poly life different. 
*Cause I want him to feel comfortable with me.
*Cause I know that he'll never be interested in me. 
*Cause I know that I'm not good enough for him. 
*Cause he's just that good-looking yet I'm an ugly duckling who will never turn into a swan. 
*Cause I am #forever ugly #forever alone, way too ordinary
*Cause I'm not meant to be for him or maybe he's not meant to be for me. 
In that case, I also need to pay attention to my attitude, my reactions etc etc when I am together with him so that he wouldn't see through me. I really really hope that this can last long.

Lucky Thursday

Well, this is actually a belated post whereby I wanna share the day I spent with my three new besties in NP. I knew them through DPA which make me felt it's worth it for joining DPA although I've been an outcast in my DPA class. I'll never forget how I was and still am excluded by the rest but yeah, this is kind of.
Well well, it was a lovely Thursday morning when I was very confused trying to dress up myself yet make it simple. I'll be meeting with JS and Sya after school for lunch! :) Yay! Finally, after soooooo damn long~~~ Like finally we could find a date whereby we all could make it. I repeatedly asked JS if he has anything on that day and he say nope. 
So, we agreed to meet at 4pm @Makan Place and I stormed there immediately after I was released from my lecture. I found a four-seats table in front of Yong Tau Foo stall and settled down there with my lappy on. I wasn't listening for the whole lecture, that's why. So, I was trying to catch up by listening to the recording of the lecture took by me. Yeah, the background was damn noisy as I sat rather at the back of the lecture hall and I was playing Tetris Battle which affected the quality of the recording. 
While I was focusing hard trying to listen to Ms. Gopalan lecturing, I saw him from faraway, looking for me. I acted as if I didn't know and kept on staring at my lappy, trying to act as if I was very engrossed LOL. So, he walked towards me and sat beside me! YES! RIGHT BESIDE ME! It was a four-seats table you know. There were 2 seats right in front of me. Normally people would prefer to face each other for more convenient communication unless the seats are fully occupied. Right, not? But he chose to sit there! yeah! I was DAMN happy. HAHAHAHAHAHA I tried hard to control the laughter that might probably burst out loud if I wasn't in front of him. XDDDDD
At first I thought that we would be kinda awkward cause we have not met each other for quite a long time after all and there were only two of us! However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. We ended up talked a lot and I kept on questioning him about the girl who like him! I had a strong feeling that she would be Jovin and hell yeah I got it right! Hahahaha. It was kind of a relief to know that he only knew that she likes him. Well yeah, maybe as I post more posts about him, I should now remove my blog link from Facebook though I know that he's not gonna be so crazy to go stalk my profile and even spent time reading my long-winded post. Hahahaha. So, Sya joined us around 5.15pm and we talked even more stuff. JS was a damn joker, kept on finding fault with my pronunciation as well. I think I somehow pronounced "Local" as "Locker" or something like that. Irritating! >.< but I'm lovin' it, LOL
The best part was that I managed to hack his account! LOL actually was he did not stop me from hacking his hahahaha.We bet about the outcome as well! In the end, Js told us that he actually had CCA (Frisbee) on that day! I was like "whattttt" but he eventually skipped it! For our sake? ;)
We talked and joked all the way till around 6.45pm where we moved to Munch because Sya was craving for Mr.Bean Haha! Then we continued to talk until around 8pm? We finally left NP after I gave Sya a good bye hug. She went off to look for her friend while JS and I walked together to the bustop opposite taking the same bus 52! For once, the journey from NP to MRT was that beautiful. :) Omg I was like a person who had a serious love sick HAHAHAHHAHAHA. 
I couldn't stop smiling and giggling even when I reached home at night. While I was preparing to do my tutorial, I discover the result for JS's status on FB!My creation! LOL and here we go. :)
So my attempt succeeded. HAHAHA ^^v
It was kind of childish, perhaps? So long it made him remember, I didn't actually care that much. I'm just soooo going to enjoy good night sleep, smiling all the way to the morning. :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

To My BFF:Elvi

亲爱的 Elvi,

我发现其实我还有很多很多事情想跟你说。相处的时间实在是太短了。我真的真的不知道到底要从哪里说起。说实在的,来到新加坡之后,我真的没有真正的快乐过。我无法在这里找到像你们这些朋友。严格上来说,其实我没有真正朋友。也许有吧,可是就是那几个而已。而且那几个都已经跟我上不一样的学校了,走不一样的路了。相信一定会疏远。 在新的学校,我无法交新朋友,也无法像在和你们聊天说笑的时候这么的自然。
当初要做下来新加坡的决定实在很难,因为我几乎每天都在担心。担心我们的友情是否会有变化,担心我们下次再一起的时候还能不能和从前一样。我真的真的很舍不得你们。也许你们从来都不知道,你们在我中学期的影响很大很大。也是因为有了你们,认识了你们,我的过去才那么的美好。谢谢你们曾经走进我的世界里。我曾不后悔认识你们,因为当时的我是真正的快乐。但还好,因为新加坡和印尼其实也不是很远,所以我都会想办法常常回去。而且,也因为有了Facebook Group 的关系,大家还是有话聊。再加上你们都还在同一间学校读书,天天见面,感情还是很好。我感到很荣欣也很开心,因为我知道每当我说我要回去印尼时,你们不管多忙也会抽空跟我一起出去。我不知道对你来说,现在我还算不算是你的好朋友,因为我在新加坡的这三年,你可能已经有新的好朋友了。可是,对我来说,你还是我的很好很好的朋友。
可是现在一想到大家真的要分离了,要去Jakarta, Bandung, Bali 的都有。心中有一种恐惧,害怕在未来的日子里大家都会改变,不知以后能够多常见面,不知以后见面还能不能像目前一样。以前我有什么心事都会跟你讲,不知以后还有没有这个机会。因为电话费,朋友,个人变化,种种因素有可能会造成我们以后见面就只是"Hi-Bye" Friend 了。
记得去到那边要好好照顾自己哦,多注意身体,读书别读过头,一定要常常联络。最容易的就是去create Skype, 哈哈。Create 好了,每晚有空我们就可以上网,常常向对方分享点点滴滴。有心事要找人聊天的时候,我一直都会在。

你的好友 Christina

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

29th April - Bring Back Memories

On the 27th April, Charto, Susanto and Zenorega went back to Batam after spending 3days vacation in Singapore. They reminded me that my best friend, Christee Veronica was going to celebrate her birthday on 29th April with those 老朋友 which includes Elvi, Betseline, Charto, Jimmy, Richard Lie, Desmond Kwok, William Wijaya aka. WW, etc. Those people are so important because they had came into my life, being a part of my life, be it during Secondary 3 or when I've already moved to Singapore or even now and in the future. I really hoped that they would really be an important part of me in the future, I trully hoped so. 
However, I knew that there is a point of time whereby we really need to part, choose our own path and pursue our own dreams. These all need a price, which is "friends". 
Elvi and Betseline have decided to study at an University in Bandung, WW is going to Jakarta, Jimmy is going to Bali, while the rest are coming to Singapore. Everyone is going to split from a few months time.

When I know that  my dearest best friend, Christee was going to throw a birthday party in the form of BBQ, I really really wanted to surprise her. This was how I actually started my idea. :)

On 27th April 2012 (the SMS conversation between me and Susanto) :
Santo  : Eh, Charto blg  cv maw traktir nanti Sabtu. Kamu diundang ga?
Me     : Iya yah? Undang pun I jg ga bisa pergi lah.
(after thinking of an alternative for a while)
Me     : Sebenarnya bisa sih, kecuali I besok naik ferry ke Batam truz naik last ferry balik Sg coz Minggu I   
            ada kerja. 
Me     : Eh, sebenarnya bisa loh. Aku jadi serius nih hahaha.
Santo  : Serius kamu?
Me     : Ya lah, haha. Awalnya sih asal bilang aja, tapi habis tuh makin di pikir makin serius leh. hahaha

So that's how everything started. Me and my plan. I was just saying it for fun in the beginning, however the feeling gets stronger and stronger as it might really be the very last time for me meeting those who are not going to continue their further studies in Batam or Singapore. I was really scared and desperate to meet them. I knew that I would regret a lot if I did not do so. 
So, I eventually used my own money and went back on 29th April where Christee actually celebrated her birthday. I felt so honoured to have so many friends went to fetch me, LOL. I wasn't informed that Desmond and Ww were actually fetching me also. I only knew that Betseline would fetch me for sure, so I waited for her and left with her until Desmond they all called me. Haha. It was damn awkward moment, thanks to Charto's 'thoughtful' arrangement?

At the night, Christee was really really surprised with my appearance. I sneaked into her house when the rest ruled her out of the house and I appeared when the time was right. Yeah, she cried. She did cried and it made everything worth it for my trip. After all, I took risk to go back. 
Firstly, I did not inform my parents. 
Secondly, I used my own money, so I might struggle with my finance position this month. 
Thirdly, I would be taking 1st ferry back the next day whereby I had school at 9am, so I MIGHT or might NOT be late. 

Anyway, it was really worth it and I did not regret it. At all. 
We started to eat and started catching up with each other, talking about our future and our thoughts, then we finally decided to lepak somewhere where the thought of Inul Vista struck us. I envy them because they could drive already, and we set off with three cars to Nagoya Hill. We sang happily, mostly Korean songs and Western Song I think? Not even a single Chinese song because the time was short it was already 11pm local time. We discussed where to go next to lepak so that we could really spend the last night together. 
Eventually, not all of us could make it though, cause they had curfew as well.
I, Christee, Elvi, Betseline, Ww and Charto decided to stayover at Betseline's house. We talked all the way till 3.30am local time and I was about to crash. Charto had slept earlier on. When I woke up at 4.15am, the rest were still talking except for Charto, sleeping like a pig in the room beside, Haha.
Early in the morning, they all sent me to harbour at Batam Centre together with Richard Lie. I really really appreciated it and I still could not help it but to cry at the last 5minutes thinking that I needed to check-in very soon and I would not be able to meet Elvi and Betseline anymore. I knew that. In the end, we parted, and I continued to cry on the ferry. I really really could not help it. Without them, my Secondary 3 in Yos Sudarso would have been really meaningless. The rest helped me and let me feel the happiness of having friends who really care about you. 
Lastly, I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS. *cry again*
At Christee's house, creating documentary but a bit fail. 
At Betseline's house. Christee was the only one not inside because she went to bath.

I think I will not just stop here, I'll make new posts for every and each of them to thank them personally. I guess? I want to really really show them my appreciation and let them know how much I love them and create those memorable and unforgettable memories.