Sunday, April 15, 2012

1st Day of Official School

WOHOOOO I was like so damn excited for today, official first day of Poly. Dread of cannot survive in Poly and would ended not up to my expectation, I still decided to come to Poly. 
I feel so proud to be a student of Ngee Ann! :)

Damn nice right? Nature is Beauty. ^^
There were different sayings, some say that Poly life is really relaxing, which makes people despise Poly students. My seniors say when it comes to study, we must really study and not to slack, but when it comes to fun, we just need to play hard. 
Right, my aunt is classified in the stereotype thinking, she kept on saying that Poly is very relaxing and seemed to find every single evidence to make me stop my excuses of being busy after enrolled in Poly. My Mom too. She just seemed not being able to accept the fact that I've spent long hours in school for the past 1week for the sake of BAOC preparation. So, what could I do? I talked back to her, as usual. 
Right, that's not the point. Anyway, my lecture starts at 9am and lasted for 2hours. I was supposed to wait for Crystal to pass me money to purchase my textbooks at 1pm and collect with JS. :) 
However, the plan was kinda ruined because Crystal's ATM card was stuck inside Clementi MRT station's ATM machine. So, I told JS to go home and I stayed at OurSpace@72 without knowing what to do. I ended up taking out my 那些年 DVD (:D) and watched it until 3.30pm. The rest of my DPA friends went ahead after lecture to Orchard Road to buy for XinYing's birthday present. Then I regretted for not joining them. I ate alone @Munch. Seriously, I had never ever felt so awkward of eating alone before. Not even once when I have done a lot of times before. 
The briefing ended up damn boring, started with ice-breaking games which has no more meaning for us, obviously as we DPA class never split. However, my classmates somehow acted dumb and pretended to not knowing us to make fun of the seniors LOL. Anyway, the whole main point of the briefing is to bond us and to brief us roughly about academic matters. Really damn freaking boring. I fell asleep eventually even though I prevented myself from doing so. The most epic part was that I was shocked and became wide awake after I heard "you can only be accepted into local Uni if your O level English is <3". I was like WTS WTH WTF? DAFUQQQQ? Seriously. I only got B4. Then my classmates started to discuss about retaking it by this year which was already too late because the application date was already closed. They were afraid that English system would change more if we drag. 
I asked Crystal not to wait for my briefing to finish as mine would only end at 6pm while hers at 4pm. I went for dinner with fellow DPA classmates at KAP. Seriously, if it wasn't because of Huimin and Aaron, I might have left 979 for good. Somehow, they gave me the strength and was the reason of why I still tag along with them because I know that they would not ignore me like what the rest did. And most importantly, they DO understand me.
Anyway, upon writing this blog, I somehow reminded of the fact that my landlady is going back to China on July and will never come back to Singapore anymore. To her, this is kinda a sad land with sad memories. I was informed out of sudden to look for new place and move out as soon as possible. While I was waiting for my Indonesian friends to discuss and settle about the plan of staying together in 1 flat and tacking my mom's cold water bucket saying that I was naive and it wasn't an easy thing to arrange, I am seriously very vexed. Lost, don't know what to do. Alright, it's 11.24pm and I shall end my post here. 
Nights~ Sleep tight.

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