Friday, November 2, 2012

Attitude Problem

Alright, so the new term has started like 3 weeks ago and I've long abandoned this blog as I've been busy and life has been going on quite well after I got refreshed from the trip back to my hometown like 4 weeks ago.

I was so damn happy to have found myself a clique where I belong too. I swore to myself that I'm not going to be like last sem anymore. For THOSE ppl, I just want to clarify one last time : Hello, I'm not an anti-social, kay? Yall who think that I am, you've made a great mistake cause you are the one who don't accept me. 

In fact, I'm no longer the outcasted one in my class (at least I don't feel so). And in fact, the guys seemed to be very friendly, apparently. Because I've heard a lot of negative comments from my clique about those guys in  my current class, they are hypocrites and I should never ever trust them. 

So, generally people in this clique are good except for one which I don't want to mention the name for this moment. I think that she has got a serious attitude problem. Now I know why they described her as "serious". Okay, this is actually way more than serious, but is attitude problem a.k.a. "AP", okay? 

On the first day of our DSS tutorial, we were grouped and asked to select a team leader. My friend asked if I was okay with AP girl being the leader as she was very serious. I said "sure". Yeap, sure that she's serious, AP at the same time. We had our very first discussion which no one in our team brought laptop except for me. I was doing the part 1 of the project and she was dividing the task for our teammates. The thing is, every  parts of the project are linked. Which means, we couldn't continue the next part unless someone has finished the previous part. So my two other friends were mentioning about this thing and that AP girl argued with a damn serious tone that they can do part 2 w/o part 1 (which she was wrong). Then my friends tried to explain to her, but she just didn't get it and she got more agitated instead as you could just tell from her gl face and defensive tone. She might not have realised, but I was exchanging eye contact with Vanessa and both of us laughed awkwardly as we didn't know how to stop that so-called "argument". Thankfully, that AP girl got what they say eventually but just changed her plan w/o that guilty face or "sorry" mentioned. That gave me the first bad impression on her that she has got AP, stubborn and does not listen to others.

Secondly was about 2 days ago in DSS tutorial class. I was flipping my textbook to refer to do our class work and she sat beside me. She was asking me which one we were supposed to do and what was the instructions. Naturally, we ended up sharing the textbook and I asked "you never bring your textbook again?". She was like damn agitated and replied like this "what AGAIN?! I got bring last week hor!" Then I was like, "Oh ya, forgot. But you never opened your tb right?" Then she got even angrier and said "I got open hor! 跟你讲,我最讨厌被人家冤枉." I was like stunned and kept quiet at that time. I've always have this STM, but must someone got so frustrated over that? That wasn't even the way she should use "冤枉". Sigh. AP.

So today is Vanessa's sweet 17th birthday. We had another DSS tutorial in the morning which I did not bring my laptop cause I thought that my part was done (my bad, not completely done). So, I only realised that when she asked me if I didn't highlight the part of my work. Since she was not in charge of doing part 2, I assumed that she did not need her laptop so urgently and asked for her permission before I borrowed her laptop. I finished my work beautifully and I didn't know that I was back-stabbed till I reach home after the celebration. I somehow went to see her twitter account and discovered this one tweet. 
Bring laptop, don't get to use laptop. WTF. I bring for ppl to use. -.-
This is what I exactly copied and pasted from her tweet. So now what? You as a team  leader should be frank to your members right? I'm fine if you are not happy with me that I did not finish my part completely and I'll be more than willing to accept if you reprimand me because of that. Cause I admitted that I was irresponsible. But what are you kicking up the fuss about? It's not as if I borrowed ur laptop for my own business but it's for the sake of not delaying the team. Some more I returned you, so what's with that “ don't get to use laptop" uh? So what are you buay song about? And you willingly lent me your laptop in front of me w/o saying anything else but you tweeted stuff like that? Come on, don't be so fake man. I've seen through you.

This just led me into deeper thoughts about your attitude problem. Yesterday, when Joyce was charging her iPhone with 80% battery life, AP girl told her that we cannot charge phone unless that the battery life falls below 30% and I agreed on that. So Joyce was like "really meh?". Then AP girl started to convince her with that very serious and agitated tone as she had damaged her own battery before because of that. Then I was  so awkward due to her tone and Joyce stopped her and say "okay okay, relax lah" (with awkward smile).  AP girl did not even say "sorry" or anything like that. That awkward smile, yeah I totally feel it.

On top of that, we went to K-Box just now. After Joyce and Vanessa left, there was like 6 pages of song queued and we were left with 30 mins time. So AP girl kept on saying "skip, skip, skip and skip" just because that the songs are not hers and she didn't want to sing them. She seemed to be skipping all the songs that she ASSUMED no one else was going to sing. I wasn't fast enough to stop her when she skipped some of my song. But that wasn't the main problem. So we came to the last 3 pages and about 2 pages are English songs which I don't think those were requested by us who were left there. So I told her that "actually we don't need to rush already." Then she answered "but still got so many songs what." (as if you'll sing them all? You'll also skip them eventually what) So I answered, "but you confirm don't want to sing those songs one." And here comes her defensive tone once again "不要唱,做么还点?" 
Then I was like 啼笑皆非 and answered "不是我点的what." And she continued with her 自以为是 tone "then 是谁点的?" and I was like "how I know?" with the awkward laughter. 

Seriously, you should facepalm yourself man. Hate you so much. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. You made me uttered so much "f" words, congrats. You should really reflect on yourself man.
Yeah, when you are nice, you are really nice, but isn't ur PMS going a little bit too far?

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