Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So Pissed Off

Hi Guys, sorry for disappearing from this blog for sooooo long. I was working all the time and watching running man that I had no time to blog. Btw, RunningMan a.k.a RM is freakin' awesome, no doubt! It's damn funny and I watch it all the time when I am too stressed with my work and activities. It's always the best cure after watching horror movies from YouTube, trust me! Okay, sidetracked.

Well, yesterday was a long and tedious day although it was my off day. *note that I mentioned "yesterday" cause it just happened to be 12.30am after I bath, hehe. 
So, yeah I went to view flats and rooms with fellow Indonesian friends : Christee, Marchilia, Shanty, Yely and Fera.

Well, you might be wondering why. We agreed to live together for the next when they study in Singapore. Due to the urgency as their school will be unofficially starting on 13 Sept, so they had no choice but to find somewhere to stay before we move to Jurong East (most probably) this Nov. 

At first when I heard that Fera is joining us, honestly I was reluctant. However, cv told me that they had agreed. Okay can. Then, I tried to recall my relationship with Fera. Well, we talked before, though just few sentences. I cannot really recall the reason why, but I had some impression that she was just an unfriendly fellow and.... arrogant maybe???

I felt so bad about Marchi. She was sort of "outcasted" ever since she had that vague relationship with John. Heard that they were somehow dating though they hadn't admitted even once, but action speaks louder than words, true? When we were walking and inside the train and bus, I noticed that most of them were engaged in their group conversation except for Marchi. It seemed that she was alone, so I naturally started to engage conversation with her. Well, I wasn't sure if she enjoyed it or was it just because I was too talkactive but we did talk a lot of stuff except for John. This word "John" seemed to be out from her dictionary. Perhaps, it was the most painful wound that someone had ever created within her, I shouldn't probe in too much. Sorry.

I asked CV how is Fera's personality, is she arrogant? She told me "no if you had known her well enough." So, I asked another question "you are saying yes if we are not close?" After observing her for just within 1hour, I can surely tell that she is certainly treated as the "princess" in her family. She seemed to have everything that a normal person with unlimited wants would want to have and she gave me the impression that she likes to spend money without blinking her eye. 

This afternoon when we were shopping at 313@Somerset, she took a branded bag which I valued more than $200 and asked the shop assistance few questions. Then Marchi told me that she doesn't know her well but she heard from Shanty that she is a shopaholic. CV told me that she bought a $200 branded bag without telling her mother as well. This question might pop out: "where the hell does she have so much money?"

When Vnhaa joined us, I accidentally asked about her sister "then her boyfriend is staying in Singapore as well?" I was kind of surprised when she paused for a while and everyone stared at me. Uhhh what the heck? Then Yely told me that Vnhaa sister's boyfriend is actually Fera's brother. UHHHHH another what the heck? It seems that Fera is the type that don't want to have ties with anyone, someone who think highly of herself. Another bad points to contribute to the summary of her personality. 

She ordered a nuggets set in Burger King. It contains 8(if I wasn't wrong) nuggets, a cup of coke and a packet of fries. However, she took almost 1.5hr to finish her freaking 8 nuggets and played with her IPad. *Show-off Queen* We were all just waiting for her to finish her bloody nuggets so that we can leave to take a tour at SIM. When there are 3 nuggets left and I hinted them "when are we going?", she said "wait for me to finish" with the not sorry, not guilty, I-am-the-king expression. Dafuq? Feel like slapping her. I wasn't trying to rush her, but just to remind her that we were all waiting for her. Then she took forever to finish that 1 final piece and broke it into many parts. Urgghghhhh can't you just fuckin' squeeze the whole thing into your mouth? When I went back from the toilet with Marchi, I still saw that half piece in the box. "FFFFF Can you just freaking eat it?" End up when I laid back and crossed my arm staring at nowhere, she finally asked "You guys not leaving?" DAFUQQQQ then we all said in the same time "waiting for you to finish eating". Guess what she replied "HAHHH? Why never tell me earlier? I've finished eating?" UHHHHH Like we can read your mind like that. Mind you, it was you who said "wait for me to finish my food", end up you finished eating like half an hour ago? Dear, my time is precious. You cannot imagine how much and how hard I wanted to slap her face just now. Walk also walk so slow knowing that we were going to be late and the rest are rushing to take their ferry which was 20mins before that hers. 

When all of us were discussing on how the 5 of them is going to squeeze inside the taxi, Fera mentioned that her ferry is 20mins later than the rest. Wow, good news isn't it? I suggested to CV "why don't the 4 of you take taxi then she take MRT since hers is later and yall are in rush? Yall don't want to spent money taking 2 taxis right?" CV immediately SHHHHHH-ed me and hinted me with her eye motions. Yeah, I got her hint, Fera wouldn't want. Why? Conclusion: She wanted to take taxi. It even assured me that she is really a 千金大小姐. 

Now I dreaded of staying together with her. I wonder how will our opinion clashes and we'll quarrel. She seemed to have a lot of disatisfaction regarding the flat and house that we viewed. When I wanted to show that I respect her opinion, we asked her how is her opinion, she shrugged her shoulder, not giving an answer when the rest showed approval. What does that show? Uh, like everyone must listen to you? 

So, conclusion: I don't like her even more. Hate her attitude. Attitude problem. I swear that she is going to face a lot of friendship problem. Much much much more than me. I can make sure that beside of CV and Desmond(maybe?), no one would ever be willingly to be in the same group as her for project. Hey Fera, you should be thankful that you've got CV and Desmond in the same class as you, if not, don't ever wish that anyone would make friends with you(I'm talking about Singaporean). Seriously, hateful one, spoiler. 

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