Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Red Day

Alright, so the title of this post is actually referring to the first day of my period for this month. This morning, I woke up feeling slightly wet and uncomfortable. So I went to washroom to check and indeed, my "great-aunt" came to greet me. Immediately, I felt the menstrual pain and I swear, this could be the second time I've ever felt so pain throughout all my periods before. So, I immediately grabbed  a slice of bread and just stuff it into my mouth so that I could eat some painkillers. 

What makes me feel sian even more was the fact that I actually got an appointment to smooth-rebond my hair, which means I need to go out early and sit at the salon for at least 4hrs? 
Alright, double sian.

In the afternoon, I texted few ppl like Crystal and Hoa for dinner but both of them had plans at night. So, I tried my luck texting Edmund since we had not have dinner together with Jq, Ys, Jy and Sx for superrrrr long time, miss them so much. And yeap, they all agreed, whooooo! :D

Before I went to Edmund's house, I bought bread from BreadTalk and forced myself to eat again so that I could have the second round of painkillers. (It was really pain, okay?)

Had a wonderful evening cacthing up with all their jokes about their classmates and school. Other poly seems to have much interesting as compared to NP and in fact, there's no funny stories about our classmates that Jq and I could share. But nvm, it was a very enjoyable evening. Seriously, I could say that nothing is more enjoyable than to be with this crazy bunch of people I've known in Secondary school. *ohhh I miss those days*

Reached home around 10pm+ after buying lots of sanitary pads from Shop & Save. I can really open up a shop and sell all my sanitary pads man, I've got different brands and different lengths, that's exaggerating I know, but since I haven't found a really suitable ones to stick with, what to do? :o

I just realised that the pain was getting stronger as I reach home, for whatever reason, so I asked my aunt for painkillers as mine wasn't effective enough, today. (Just for today)

So I proceed to the store room to dig out all the sanitary pads I have and I found this! 

Present from Crystal during her Taiwan trip!

Hahahaha, and tell you what, the things that I'm going to share below will be a super epic joke that I've ever created! You'll rank me as the stupidest idiot you've ever known in your life! LOLOLOL

Yeah, it's a sanitary pad packaging. I really had never doubted that packaging before, and because it was really soft when I pressed down, I've always thought that it's a pack of sanitary pads!
So when Crystal gave it to me, I was like "uh??? sanitary pads???" 
*LOL, for that moment, I thought that Crystal was really the cutest girl I've ever know, Hahahahaha REALLYYYY* 

Hmmm, come to think of it, I've never opened it before, I didn't even know about the size and the length of the pads inside. I wonderrrrrr.
But before I opened it up, I started to really observing carefully the packaging because I thought it was really nicely decorated. Then, I realised sth amiss. Uhhhh? Expiry date???  What's next? 

I was like WHATTT? ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS? Since when does sanitary pad "nutritious"??? UHHHH????

My phone camera was lousy, so I decided to type it out
Then I started to analyse every single chinese word carefully and I saw 棉花糖 and I was like LOLOLOL ROFL LMAO OMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And she gave it to me like 2 months ago? I've not opened up coz I thought I'd only be able to use it when my period come, LOLOLOLOL

Inside was so cute LOLOLOL
Marshmallow! :)

HHAHAHAHAHA I still cannot believe how stupid I am, really! Sorry Crystal, for 辜负 your present LOLOL and thanks! 别致的包装,甜在心里! Hahahahaha
If my period never come, I might not have ever opened this up, will I?
I bet Crystal will be laughing mad reading this post.
Super stupid joke for the night LOL. What a stupid me. XDDDDD

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