Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gloomy Friday

I've been coping like shit with school and studies lately. Nevertheless, I will never ever abandon my dramas, tehee. :D 

Just finished watching Secret Garden lately, it was damn nice omg. Hyun Bin is damn handsome and childish inside LOL but he's damn cuteyyy! Okay, my disease is here again whenever I talk about K-actors hahaha.

Btw, just a month ago, I've also finished watching King 2 Hearts and RE-watch Rooftop Prince. Lee Seung Gi is another one! Gahhhhhhhhh. Guess what?! He's coming to Singapore this month!!!!! But why the price so exxxxx like $160+ ?? and when I'm broke somemore.

This month is a though one. NP just sent me a mail one week ago stating that the school will deduct school fee amounted to $937.00 from my GIRO account on 20 sth of this month. I was desperate looking for money. I've only got $300 left in sis' account, auntie couldn't lend me much, at most $200-$300.
Okay, you should be wondering what's going on with my family there, why I've never mentioned about asking for money from them. My mom has given me all her personal savings for me to survive until today. So, I'm not going to add another burden to her anymore as she couldn't do much. On top of that, when I told her about this, she told me that they just signed for another bank loan. The previous bank loan has taken my family 3 tough years to pay back. Not again? Dad needs to find money to pay for the rental there. I know that he's damn stressed, that's why I never call him and told him about this school fee thingy. He cannot even pass me $300 that he suggested to borrow from Crystal, what to do? I settled myself bit by bit. 

Thought that I'll be anticipating this month's pay, after calculation, I've got to pay this and that and I'm left with nothing again. Omg so broke!!! :((((((

If he got money, he'll surely call me and try to pass me the money. Since that there's no news from him, I could confidently conclude that I shouldn't hope much from him. So like my mom and my aunt have suggested, I went to make a call to Linda and asked if I could get my pay in advance yesterday. She told me that she'll help me ask Mr. Liu. Till now, she hasn't called me back yet. Still waiting. This process took soooo long. 

Tonight I'll reach home quite late. It's Friday, Come on! My lesson ends at 1pm but I need to work 1 hour @SSC (supposedly to be 4 hours, but I've covered so many people's shift for the past few days, hence deducted). Then I still need to stay until 6pm for INFA test till 7pm. Continued by Rotaract Club what "Installation and Induction Ceremony". Till now, I still don't have a clear idea of what's that ceremony about. They said it's something like you need to say the pledge thingy? Okay can? That ceremony will last for 2 hours starting from 7pm which means that I could reach NP bustop only around 9.30pm? Then I'll reach home at around 10+. Then I shall continue watching the Secret Garden on Ch.U! Hahaha. They translated the "Kim, Su an.... blah x3" chant until damn nice LOL. Must watch! 

Alright, forgot to mention. Actually, I'm in the midst of INFA lecture @LT45 right now! Hahahaha. Alright, bye guys, keep you updated! Have a nice day ! :)

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