Monday, February 4, 2013

Study week or Working week?

Alright, today is Monday though it's gonna end soon and it's the official first day of BA's study week.
Right, which means next week is actually my exam, right after CNY holidays, sad. 
At first I've been indecisive whether I should go back to Batam or just stay in Singapore to work and study, but yeahhh bad things do happen on me. My working plan at the Orange Lantern kind of dismissed due to my availability to work on weekends. The supervisor was straightforward enough to tell me through the phone that, "If you could work full shift on weekends, I would have called you long ago."
Hmmm. So are you hinting me that I should just stop waiting for your call? Alright, I've given up the moment he told me so. 
Next, I proceed with the Gardens by the Bay's plan. I really wanna work there, like damn cool and I've never been there before. But they told me that they are still arranging for the interview dates and they'll only call us this week or next week after CNY.
Fine, then I might as well wait for a while more while concentrating studying. That's what I thought I'll be doing for the rest of the days before exam.
But I happened to be assigned the task to arrange timetable at my workplace @SSC. What a rare chance to  put my name in the list as much as possible so that I can earn more. Yeah, there goes my study week. 
At first, I was naive enough to think that I could do some revision at SSC while waiting for the working hours to pass. However, there are so many events coming soon that a lot of people will be borrowing blazers and requesting for replacement of result slips due to the application for local uni. 
Today is the first day of this whole misery for the week. I've experienced enough how chaotic it was and I was kind of frustrated with the way Doris actually gave instructions all the time. She'll be damn nice during your personal time but when it comes to serving people, she'll be damn sarcastic and forever contradicts the thing she said. She'll just go book by book and another minute will tell me to be more flexible when I insist the customer to do something. What's this, it just makes me look so stupid in front of the customers, like I'm some newcomer or troublemaker who don't know how to handle shit myself. In addition, the crowd was horrendous and I can't really multi-task while working that well. I was like having some hangover due to lack of sleep, but I need to ensure nothing goes wrong so that Doris won't have single thing to pick on me. 
So, there goes my day. I wrote down my target for BStats today, which was to finish studying another 3 chapters, but I really have done shit today.

Just 30 mins before I ended work, I finally remembered that I was supposed to help Jiahui's mom for the cleaning job as her ah gong passed away and her family is quite busy with the funeral, causing lack of manpower. I hardly earned $20 after working with my terrible back pain and stiff shoulder, but spent it in a flash buying the 百凤丸 that mom kept on forcing me to buy. She said that it's damn good esp. for girls to 'clean' their body? Yeah, 6 freaking big boxes with only 15 small little pills in each and it costs me that bloody $20 hard-earned money. Mom said that she'll pay me though, as she kind of felt bad coz she said that I kena scam. O.O
I was like damn pekchek, if I have never listened to her and I don't buy that, I won't kena scam and won't even need to spend that bloody $20 right? I'd rather top-up my ez-link card, seriously. 

Sigh. Reached home and the first thing I did was just ranting here. Gonna eat my twister fries and ton to at least reach my target for BStats first. Working at 11am tmr but everyone asked me to go earlier if I could. Sigh. I try. :(
The only thing that really keeps me moving on and persevere for this last shitty week before exam is home. Going back to Batam again this Friday with fellow friends to celebrate CNY with family. Then we'll go out on second and probably half of the third day? coz I'm gonna come back alone on the third day as I have test on fourth day. Double Sigh. 
After that, hopefully the HR staff from Gardens by the Bay will contact me by then, or else I'll be joining Valerie to work at her current working place coz I wouldn't possibly rot for 2mths at home, right? and in order to have my big plan come true, I know I'll have to sacrifice and sacrifice. 

But not forgetting the constant motivation that I have is by having those awesome friends around me, like my Batam's friends; polymattes like Vannessa, Jocelyn, Celine; then SSC colleagues(DPA peeps) like Fir, Ben and Kim; last but not least my swimteam mattes Keith a.k.a. "Yuan Didi"! [coz his full name is Keith Tan Chong Yuan] haha! Ohh ohh and KinYong SyaSya, Darius the clown too! They are the ones I want to smile at everyday when I see them and they won't fail to bright my days up :D
Jiayou, Yixin! :)